Thursday, January 6, 2011

Out With The Old... (We Refuse To Be Old)

Now that everyone knows what we were up to last year, it's time to get everybody psyched for what's to come for the K3y Three in 2011!

There seemed to be a reoccurring theme in every situation we found ourselves in last year...

 ...We all went through some rough times, which caused us to be a little timid/mildly cautious in everything we did.
Not No More.
You heard me right. Our goal this year is to be more spontaneous. You may even use the word adventurous..? Basically we want to be less scared/more willing to do fun things. And we've already gotten started! For instance, last week at a restaurant Hannah and I ordered a dessert. Because we felt like it. :) It's not much..but it's a start!

Also, big news for the K3y Three!:

Why is there another picture of Britania's car, you might ask...? Because it's not my car! It's 

Hannah's New Car!

Hannah bought a car yesterday!! I'd say that's a pretty spontaneous move. Of course it's the same car as mine, why wouldn't it be? :) I wish all best friends around the world could purchase matching vehicles. Rather than just informing Jenna about the new car, we decided to test her attention to detail and pick her up with me in the driver's seat. She had no idea that she was in a completely different car until we told her. :) we're pretty sneaky sometimes.

Other sporadic plans we have for this year: 

Trips! We don't take enough vacations when we're scared. It's time to change that. 

So there you have it! We're trying to be the new and improved k3y three! And thanks to this blog, you will be posted on everything fun that we do this year!


*Side note: we're worried that some of you followers are scared to comment. Don't Be!  Go ahead, leave comments, tell us we're crazy, dare us to do weird stuff... we'll go with it :)


  1. Okay fine! :) I'm probably your second most loyal reader (after Maggie) and I'm coming out of the closet.


  2. You guys are crazy

  3. Shelbey- There's absolutely no shame in being obsessed with this blog. And if ever you and maggie decide to start your own... we will fully support it. :)

    Bailey- I'm feeling another trip to St. George..?

    Aaron- Your life would not be nearly as entertaining if we weren't so cray. You're welcome.

  4. i dare you to make a road trip/boat trip to havaii...

  5. We will pick you up from Havaii without a second thought of the fact that we'd probably be missing work and school. I don't care. We would be meeting up with Lilo so it'd be worth it. We miss you so much already Dev :)
