Thursday, October 21, 2010

The beginning!

Okay yay! Hannah here, this is our first post on our best friend blog and we're excited! I think that it would be very fitting to start off with a little bit of background about the three of us and how we became best friends.

The beginning: 
It all started on my first day of seventh grade. I was attending Centennial Middle School and was extremely nervous. The school was gigantic and I kept having to ask 8th graders and teachers where my classes were. By the end of the day I was exhausted and could not believe that I was expected to remember where all my classes were and the homework all my teachers had given me, thank goodness I only had one more class. I walked into English and picked out the perfect seat, right in the back. I listened to my teacher talk about class rules and deadlines for assignments. Then, she told us that we were going to split into pairs and play a get to know you game. We needed to pick a partner and complete the Scooby Doo madlibs together. Just as I was glancing around skeptically, the girl in front of me turned around. "Do you wanna be partners"? I said yes and soon found out that the girl's name was Britania Freeze, she had been uprooted by her parents from a small town outside of Chicago called Coal City, and we would be best friends from that moment on.

The Middle: 
Two years later Britania and I had dominated the Drama scene in middle school (being singing goat herders in the play Heidi, and the dancing Doiley sisters in the play Never Trust a City Slicker) and we were ready to move on to bigger and better. High School. Thank goodness by this point our braces had been removed and we had discovered flat irons. Freshman year is embarrassing for a number of reasons, you can't drive, the upper classman hate you, and you're required to take Freshman P.E. Unfortunately, I discovered that I didn't know anyone in my P.E class so I couldn't even be spared the humiliation of walking around the track alone. One day after sweating through my teen spirit deodorant I was changing in the locker room with the other girls. I mentioned something about my obsession with Lord of the Rings and to my surprise a girl with short blonde hair informed me that she too had a love for the movies. ENTER: Jenna Rasmussen. UPROOTED FROM: Kissimmee Florida. We soon found out that she filled in the last piece to our three piece puzzle.

The never ending end:
We are sophomores in college now, still inseparable, and always will be. I know how lucky I am that my two best friends moved across the country to change my life forever. <3


  1. You girls are just too cute! I'm jealous! Well at least we are sisters! We need to all go out on a dinner date sometime? Lets do it!

  2. I can't even tell you how excited I was to see that we had a comment!!! Yay! And I will speak for everyone in saying we would love to set up a dinner date!!!
