Thursday, November 3, 2011

Where in the world has the K3y 3 been??

We're right here.

We're also slightly behind (3 months) on posting.
Quick Update:

We had a Harry Potter party
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 came out
We cried cause its over
a lot...
I went to Florida
...and got engaged :) 
We cried together on the phone
We started our 3rd year of college
We planned a wedding
I got married <3
I went on a honeymoon
...and called my best friends on day 3
I moved into an apartment with my husband
Mrs. Hannah Walke joined the K3y three
We dressed up as the 3 blind mice for Halloween
We're still bests...and very excited for Christmas.

We'll be around :) 
